
先看看女人怎麼說 -- 20個無法抗拒的男人特質:

01. 微笑(Smile)
02. 幽默感(Sense of humour)
03. 體貼(Thoughtfulness)
04. 大方(Generosity)
05. 聰明(Intelligence)
06. 親切(Affectionate)
07. 懂得自嘲(The ability to laugh at themselves)
08. 有孩子氣的一面(A cheeky, naughty side)
09. 愛家庭(Loves family)
10. 強健的體魄(A toned body)
11. 專注(Attentiveness)
12. 長久的凝視(Holding eye contact a little too long)
13. 熱情(Passionate)
14. 強壯的臂彎(Strong forearms)
15. 對小孩好(Being good with kids)
16. 積極(Positive)
17. 穿西裝很體面(Look good in a suit)
18. 自信(Confidence)
19. 寬闊的肩膀(Broad shoulders)
20. 留鬍子(Stubble)

再看看男人怎麼說 -- 20個無法抗拒的女人特質:

01. 好身材(Great body)
02. 乳溝(Cleavage)
03. 幽默感(Sense of humour)
04. 開朗的笑容(Great smile)
05. 逗人開心(Find me funny)
06. 絲襪和吊襪帶(Stockings and Suspenders)
07. 可愛的傻笑(A cute giggle)
08. 香氣(Nice smell)
09. 懂得自嘲(The ability to laugh at themselves)
10. 可靠(Reliability)
11. 短裙(Short skirts)
12. 長靴(Knee high boots)
13. 鄰家女孩氣息(The Girl Next Door look)
14. 愛搗蛋(Mischievous nature)
15. 修長的腿(Long legs)
16. 樂觀(Optimistic)
17. 好的傾聽者(Good listener)
18. 知性對談(Intellectual conversation)
19. 凝視的目光(Gazing eyes)
20. 善於理財(Good with money)



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